We provide premium web hosting on our Rockford Solutions dedicated server. Our server is fast, reliable, and specifically configured to have powerful dynamic websites. Our web server also makes it possible to install content management systems like Joomla and Drupal in a snap. Our hosting also comes with advanced tools like CPanel, which puts dozens of powerful website management tools at your fingertips. Our server is also fire-walled and is backed-up on a nightly basis, to insure security of your data.Mail service are also provided by our company. We offer POP3 and IMAP mail functions, and we can assist you with getting your Email clients, such as Microsoft Outlook and Thunderbird, to sync up with your email account. There is another email solution that we offer at Rockford Solutions Inc. called Google Apps. Google Apps is a powerful online software that includes a corporate calendare, file sharing tools, document creation tools, and an excellent email management system